Indian Politics towards Degradations

Indian democracy is the largest democracy of the world. It comprises of the largest number of people having franchise rights. it is the country with the largest number of political parties participating in various state and central level election campaign. Each one of these parties has their own political agenda; some claims to be secular, some are communists and some even struggling for social, economical rights for people of their respective communities, but all others end up giving up priority to their selfish motives.
Although India survived as one single state having democratic character but still political problems exist in India. With passing time, India’s politics have undergone decline in standards due to unbalanced economic growth. No strong purpose or fresh vitality is noticed in any part of current politics. Political leaders are bothered about their own interest in state as well as centre. they don’t critically determine health of India’s central politics. Their main motto is to gain publicity and earn money without keeping in mind the interest of the people. Politics for them has become a synonym of power.
Before politics was tough; the politics was used for goodness of the people and the society. People elected had a knowledge and were educated enough to look for the development of nation and public. They did work thinking of the future also. After independence also the great leaders like Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Morarji Desai, Indira Gandhi and many more took keen interest in politics and made it violence-free. Due to good politics only India was able to achieve freedom from Britishers.
Now the politics has taken a seperate scenario. It is selfish, violent, without any good intention and full of greed. This is due to increase in number of political parties.
People started forming their own new parties and then breaking into factions just to ensure that they get to play a role in the arena of power. that is the time when the standard of politics and the politicians started degrading. Development of the nation and the welfare of the people always stood lower in the list of their priority. Today the politicians are ready to, play dirty game to ensure that they should achieve the power by any means either right or wrong.
The working ability of the leaders and their thinking level is decreasing day by day as they are less educated and less sensitive about the welfare and well being of the people. Their motto is to earn money and to get the power. If the political parties are many then the voters also get confused and are influenced by their fake leaders. This leads to wrong judgement in choosing leaders. Nowadays political parties try their best to attract the voters in their favour, they bribe them or promise them that they will look after their needs but once they achieve their goal they forget their promise. Almost all the political parties in India wants to get into the power, hence they always try to win the faith of the public by announcing some welfare programs. Some political parties even use force to achieve the goal. This all leads to corruptions in Indian politics which in turn degrades the Indian politics.
Today Indian politicians are always busy with playing their blame games against the opposition leaders. They have less concern about their responsibilities. Nowadays Indian media is very alert so the politicians should change their attitude, they should realize their responsibilities and should not play with the patience of the people.
We as the public should also realize our responsibility and utilize our precious votes to elect a good and responsible leader who can work for the development of our nation and the welfare of the people. We should make it a point to exercise our right to vote. Better voting percentage will definitely make the chances of electing a good candidate. Every vote counts so we should not misuse the power of our votes.
While choosing a good candidate we should always forget our political affiliations and give a message to the politicians that they are not going to get votes on the basis of symbols. We should be able to make it clear to the politicians that the actual power lies with us and the their existance entirely depends on our vote and support. Now the time has come for Indian people to unite and fight against this challenge.
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