Breaking News :
>>चारधाम यात्रा पर आने वाले चालकों-परिचालकों के लिए बनेगा विश्राम स्थल>>क्या आप भी कब्ज और पाचन संबंधी समस्याओं से हैं परेशान, तो इन योगासनों का करें अभ्यास, कुछ ही दिनों में मिलेगी राहत>>मैदान से लेकर पहाड़ तक परेशान करेगी गर्मी, प्रदेश भर में चढ़ेगा पारा>>औषधि प्रशासन विभाग को मिले 18 औषधि निरीक्षक>>सीएम ने पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री स्व. देवेन्द्र प्रधान को दी श्रद्धांजलि >>चारधाम यात्रा- सब कुछ अनुकूल, हर स्तर पर तैयारी तेज>>मुख्यमंत्री रेखा गुप्ता ने विधानसभा में 2025-2026 का एक लाख करोड़ रुपये का बजट किया पेश >>मैं माल्टा और काफल ब्रांड की शराब नहीं बिकवा पाया, इसलिए भाजपाई ट्रॉलर्स मेरे ऊपर दनादन है- पूर्व सीएम >>क्या आप भी रखना चाहते हैं अपने हार्ट को स्वस्थ, तो अपनी इन आदतों में करें सुधार >>अवैध मदरसों को मिलने वाली फडिंग की होगी जांच>>डीटीसी में घाटा होने पर सीएम रेखा गुप्ता ने पूर्व सरकार पर उठाए सवाल >>धस्माना ने ग्रहण किया उपाध्यक्ष संगठन व प्रशासन का पदभार>>मुख्यमंत्री ने 9 जन सेवा प्रचार रथ को हरी झंडी दिखाकर किया रवाना>>जनभागीदारी से टीबी मुक्त होगा उत्तराखंड- डॉ धन सिंह रावत>>आईपीएल 2025- दिल्‍ली कैपिटल्‍स और लखनऊ सुपरजायंट्स के बीच मुकाबला आज >>डीएम ने आईएसबीटी चौक में वर्षों से जनमानस के लिए नासूर बने बरसाती पानी की निकासी का काम करवाया शुरू>>सीएम धामी ने 16 एसडीजी अचीवर को किया सम्मानित>>सलमान खान की आगामी फिल्म ‘सिकंदर’ का ट्रेलर हुआ रिलीज, 30 मार्च को सिनेमाघरों में दस्तक देगी फिल्म>>नई टिहरी में सीवर नेटवर्क समेत करोड़ों की योजनाओं पर लगी मुहर>>आखिर क्यों.. पेरू की एक महिला को संघीय आव्रजन अधिकारियों ने हनीमून से लौटने के बाद किया गिरफ्तार
Moral Storiesबाल-जगत

A Dutiful Son

Once upon a time, there lived a faithful and loving son with his parents. He was very poor and earned money by cutting wood and selling them. During winters, one day when all the three were sitting near the fire a sudden gush of wind came through the cracks of the hut and the old man shivered. Immediately he said loudly, “how I wish I could get a drink of Sake’ (a drink of Japan). Then some warmth can come to my old bones.” The son heard it and felt sorry because he knew that Sake was a costly drink. Next day the son got up early in the morning to go to cut the wood. He went to the forest and started cutting wood. Today his axe did not stop as he was thinking of the wish of his father. It was nearly evening when he heard the sound of gushing water from nearby. As he was feeling hot and thirsty due to his hard work he decided to drink water and take little rest. He went near the source of water and drank a handful. Loo! It was not ordinary water; it was a stream of Sake. The son was amazed. He ran and filled his pitcher of water with it and took the bundle of wood. Then he hurried for his house with excitement.
When he reached home, he offered the drink to his old father. He drank it, danced a little, and blessed his son. That evening one of their neighbours came to their house. She was also offered the Sake. She drank it greedily and asked about the drink. The innocent son and father told her from where they got it. Soon the rumour spread throughout the village. That evening they had many visitors; all asked the same question and drank Sake greedily. By night, the pitcher of Sake was empty.
Next day the son got up early, took the biggest pitcher, and went toward the jungle, when he was nearing the place, he heard noise of people. He hid behind a rock and saw that all his neighbours were there with their big pitchers to carry the drink. Then a man out of greed drank a handful of Sake. He immediately shouted angrily, “It is just simple water not Sake. The old man’s son has cheated us.” All tasted the Sake (water) and were angry. The son remained hidden behind the rock because he knew in anger his neighbours could harm him. When all the people had gone, he went near the stream and drank a handful. It was the same drink, Sake. He understood that god had given him this gift, as he was a dutiful son. He filled the pitcher and went back home. That year his father lived warm and happy.

MORAL:  God is considerate to those who respect and work hard for the needs of their parents.


Ghanshyam Chandra Joshi

AKASH GYAN VATIKA ( is one of the leading and fastest going web news portal which provides latest information about the Political, Social, Environmental, entertainment, sports etc. I, GHANSHYAM CHANDRA JOSHI, EDITOR, AKASH GYAN VATIKA provide news and articles about the abovementioned subject and am also provide latest/current state/national/international news on various subject.

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